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The Ballarat Cricket Association facilitates competitions, for points and premierships, for age groups of U17, U15 and U13 (as at September 1 each season). These competitions are open to both male and female players with female players being afforded a 2 year age dispensation.


Cricket Australia, Cricket Victoria and the BCA strongly recommend all female cricketers play in female competitions foremost, with an encouragement to play in the open competitions if the desire is present to do so.

Information on the BCA's female competitions can be found HERE.

The Junior pathway is outlined below, and for the purposes of the information provided within this page, the U13 competitions follow 'Junior Cricket 2' guidelines with our U15 & U17 competitions following 'Junior Cricket 3'.

The Ballarat Cricket Association endorses Cricket Australia's Junior Formats, as outlined below: -

Junior Cricket Pathway.jpg

Competition details: -

U13 (as at September 1)


Team size:

Playing day:

Playing times:


Pitch type:

Pitch length:

Ball type:

Ball colour:


1sts (Hollioake) & 2nds (Spratling)

9 per team

Friday afternoon

5pm to 7pm

20 overs per team

Synthetic (hard wicket)

18m (2.1m shorter than full length)

2 piece hard leather 142g


Find your club HERE​

U15 (as at September 1)


Team size:

Playing day:

Playing times:



Pitch type:

Pitch length:

Ball type:

Ball colour:


1st XI & 2nd XI

11 per team

Saturday morning

8:30am to 11:30am

25 overs per team (1 day matches)

50 over split innings (2 day matches)

Synthetic (hard wicket)

20.1m (full length)

2 piece hard leather 156g


Find your club HERE​


Team size:

Playing day:

Playing times:



Pitch type:


Pitch length:

Ball type:


Ball colour:


U17 (as at September 1)

1st XI & 2nd XI

11 per team

Tuesday Evening

5:15pm to 8:15pm

25 overs per team (1 day matches)

40 over full innings (2 day matches)

Synthetic (hard wicket)

Turf (where possible)

20.1m (full length)

2 piece hard leather 156g

Orange Jaffer

Find your club HERE​

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