Click on each heading to be taken to that particular rule.
Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
1.1 - All new players to the Ballarat Cricket Association (BCA) Junior Cricket Section including players who have played in Stage 1 or Stage 2 School/Club mid-week cricket competition shall be required to register online via MyCricket by 1.00 p.m. on the day of the completion of the Junior match.
Season Permits and Permits to play in the highest level U17 competition are available on the BCA website.
1.3 - For male players to be eligible to play in this competition, they shall be born on or after 01/09/2004.
For female players to be eligible to play in this competition, they shall be born on or after 01/09/2002.
Clubs may apply in writing to the Pennant Committee for a season permit to play players out of age where circumstances dictate their continuation in the game. Age Exemption criteria forms are available on the BCA website. If the Pennant Committee feels at any time that these players are performing at a level above the current level, the permit would then be revoked.
Any ineligible player shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
Matches can take place from Friday afternoons through to 5pm Sunday afternoons on turf. Clubs are to seek permission from the Pennant Committee two weeks prior to the scheduled round of matches. Both clubs are to agree with the change of time, date and venue. If the scheduled game is affected by adverse weather conditions to the point of no result, the match will be deemed a draw. Once a match has been scheduled/rescheduled it cannot be rescheduled again, but can have the venue changed prior to the start of play if conditions are not suitable or the venue becomes unavailable.
2.1 - Scheduled times of play, intervals and overs to be bowled are as follows:
2.2 - Any over commenced prior to the scheduled cessation/allowed time must be completed. Stumps must be in place and the toss effected at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the game. If either side fails to comply with this direction, they will forfeit the right to the toss.
2.3 - A drinks break may be taken after 25 overs but limited to 4 minutes in duration. Players are not to leave the field without the permission of the Umpire.

3.1 - That so far as applicable and with the below modifications the rules of the Senior competition shall apply to all matches.
3.2 - Each team shall consist of a maximum of thirteen (13) players. Up to thirteen (13) players may bat and bowl in one innings, but eleven (11) only to field at any one time. The innings will be ended at the fall of the tenth wicket.
3.2.1 - Where a team does not have eleven (11) players but the opposition has a surplus, an exchange of players from the teams may occur for that match only. (These players shall be clearly indicated on the Team Sheets).
Prior to the scheduled start of play on the first day of any match the Two Coaches (Home and Away Teams) must complete the joint Team Sheets located within the BCA supplied scorebook and hand them to the Umpire. The team named must match the team named on MyCricket. The signed (by Coaches) Team Sheets are held by the appointed Umpire/s, if no Umpire is appointed then by the Home team Coach.
3.3.1 - Alterations shall only be made with the consent of the opposing Coach and notification to the appointed Umpire(s) up to one (1) hour from the scheduled start of play on the first day of the match.
Lodgement of Team Sheets:
by the Officiating Umpire
if no Umpire, by the Home team;
in the event of a forfeit – by the team receiving the forfeit – listing the players that would have taken part in the match;
shall lodge each original, scanned copy or photo of the Team Sheets to the BCA Operations Officer via email to operations.ballaratcricket@gmail.com, 0407 244 467 or delivered to BCA HQ mailbox (Eastern Oval) by 3.00pm on the Monday after the completion of the match.
PENALTY: Shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
3.4 - All matches shall be decided on the result of the first innings only. The team scoring the greater number of runs shall be the winner. No further points for outright results will be awarded.
3.5 - The result of all matches shall be recorded from the following:
First Innings Win 6 points
Tie on First Innings 3 points
Drawn or abandoned match 3 points
U17 competitions - batters must compulsory retire at reaching 100 runs in a two day game.
(They shall be recorded as RTNO).
4.1.1 - Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
4.2 - No player will be allowed to bat without a helmet including full face protective mask.
Ten (10) overs per bowler maximum per innings in a two day game.
(No Medium or Fast Pace Bowler shall bowl more than sixteen (16) overs in a day)
4.3.1 - Players can bowl during any stage of an innings regardless of whether or not they have been off the field.
(Medium and Fast Bowlers restrictions as below still apply).
Medium and Fast Pace Bowlers (i.e. A bowler for which the wicket-keeper would normally stand back) shall not bowl more than six (6) consecutive overs in any period of bowling during a match.
If more than one over was bowled in a player’s immediate previous bowling period, they shall not resume bowling unless the subsequent overs from the same end equals the overs bowled by them in that period.
NOTE: A new period (bowling spell) is allowed if there is a 30 minute break or it is the start of a new day.
4.3.2 - A bowler shall be allowed to bowl one short pitched delivery per over. A fast short pitched delivery is defined as a ball which passes above shoulder height of a batter standing upright at the crease. In the event of the bowler bowling more than one fast short pitched delivery in an over, either Umpire shall call and signal no ball. (The above regulation is not a substitute for Law 42.7, which Umpires may apply at any time).
41.7.1 - Any delivery, which passes or would have passed, without pitching, above waist height of the striker standing upright at the popping crease, is to be deemed dangerous and unfair, whether or not it is likely to inflict physical injury on the striker. If the bowler bowls such a delivery the Umpire shall immediately call and signal No Ball. When the ball is dead, the Umpire shall caution the bowler, indicating that this is the first warning with a subsequent second and final warning for another instance occurring. The Umpire shall also inform the other Umpire, the Captain/Coach of the fielding side and the batters of what has occurred. This caution shall apply to that bowler throughout the innings.
LAW 41.7.2 Should there be any further such delivery by the same bowler in that innings, the Umpire shall:
call and signal No ball
when the ball is dead, direct the Captain/Coach of the fielding side to suspend the bowler immediately from bowling
inform the other Umpire for the reason for this action.
The bowler thus suspended shall not be allowed to bowl again in that innings. If applicable, the over shall be completed by another bowler, who shall neither have bowled any part of the previous over, nor be allowed to bowl any part of the next over.
Additionally, the Umpire shall report the occurrence to the batters and, as soon as practicable, to the Captain of the batting side.
The Umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending side and to the BCA via the team sheet, who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the Captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team.
If the Umpire at the Bowler's end considers that such a delivery has been bowled "deliberately" at the batter he/she shall follow the process outlined in Law 41.7.2 without warning.
In all matches if the innings of the side batting first has not been previously completed, the innings shall be compulsorily closed at the completion of the allowed innings time regardless of overs bowled.
4.4.1 - If the innings of the side batting first is compulsorily closed, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat only for the bowling of the same number of overs as has been bowled to the side batting first.
4.4.2 - If the innings of the side batting first has been completed other than by compulsory closure, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat for at least the same number of overs as bowled to the side batting first, or any greater number possible up to the allowed innings time.
4.4.3 - Neither side will be permitted more than 50 overs to bat in its innings. A second innings can commence or match ended once a result has been achieved on agreement from both team Coaches.
*If a first innings result has been achieved and both teams have batted their full allocation of overs, where time permits an 'off the books' impromptu shortened over match can be undertaken. Play must continue to a minimum of 11am on day 2 with coaches responsible for facilitating participation.
Where interruptions to play during the innings of the side batting first occur which do not exceed thirty (30) minutes in total the number of overs to be bowled shall be adjusted and compulsory closure shall occur at the completion of those overs or at the scheduled finishing time, whichever is the latter. The adjusted overs shall be calculated using the following table.
Scheduled finish times relevant to the scheduled day and times for each match.
4.5.1 - Where the total amount of time lost for the side batting first exceeds thirty (30) minutes but does not exceed one hundred and twenty (120) minutes, the number of overs to be bowled and the schedule finishing time of the innings shall be adjusted. Compulsory closure shall occur at the completion of the adjusted overs. The adjusted number of overs and the adjusted finishing time shall be calculated using the table below.
NOTE: That in such circumstance the innings of the side batting first will conclude on the second day of the match. Umpires shall be responsible for ensuring that the adjusted number of overs are completed before the rescheduled finishing time.
4.5.2 - For other situations involving weather interruptions, refer Senior Rule 5
4.5.3 - The Pennant Committee reserves the right to call matches off on any day preceding the game, in line with Senior rules regarding extreme heat conditions.
4.6 - Should play on the first day of any match be entirely prevented by bad weather conditions, the game shall resolve into a one day match under conditions as set out in Rule 5.
4.7 - Where both sides have commenced their first innings, the match shall continue until the scheduled finishing time or until the scheduled overs per day have been bowled. (To apply to both 2 day and 1 day matches).
All players under the age of 18 participating in BCA competitions shall wear an approved helmet including full face protective mask when keeping wicket at all times.

All U17 competitions - batters must compulsory retire at reaching 50 runs in a one day match.
(They shall be recorded as RTNO).
5.1.1 - Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
5.2 - No player will be allowed to bat without a helmet including full face protective mask.
All U17 competitions - five (5) overs per bowler maximum per innings in a one day game.
5.3.1 - Players can bowl during any stage of an innings regardless of whether or not they have been off the field.
(Medium and Fast Bowlers restrictions as below still apply).
Medium and Fast Pace Bowlers (i.e. A bowler for which the wicket-keeper would normally stand back) shall not bowl more than five (5) consecutive overs in any period of bowling during a match.
If more than one over was bowled in a players previous bowling period, they shall not resume bowling unless the subsequent overs from the same end equals or exceeds the overs bowled by them in that period.
All players under the age of 18 participating in BCA competitions shall wear an approved helmet including full face protective mask when keeping wicket at all times.
5.5.1 - In one day matches the time shall be divided equally and if the side batting first has not previously completed its innings, the innings shall be compulsorily closed on the completion of the bowling of 25 overs, or 85 minutes after the starting time.
5.5.2 - If the innings of the side batting first is compulsorily closed, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat only for the bowling of the same number of overs as has been bowled to the side batting first.
5.5.3 - If the innings of the side batting first has been completed other than by compulsory closure, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat for at least the same number of overs as bowled to the side batting first, or any greater number possible up to the allowed innings time.
5.5.4 - If the game is interrupted for an aggregate of more than thirty (30) minutes by bad weather conditions, during either period of allotted time, the game shall thereupon be played under ordinary conditions until the scheduled finishing time.
6.1 - At the completion of the minor round of matches a final four in the 1st XI and 2nd XI Sections shall be formed and these teams shall take part in a final series of matches.
6.2 - A player of a Club shall not be eligible to play in Semi-Final and/or Grand Final matches unless they have played a minimum of four (4) days in that particular team in that grade with a Club in the current season.
PENALTY: Shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
6.2.1 - Clubs may apply online via the BCA website to the Pennant Committee by 1.00 pm on the Friday prior to the final matches, to seek permission to play qualified players from the U15 competition in the U17 finals.
6.3 - A player who is fully qualified four (4) days in the 2nd XI Section (with Clubs having a 1st XI and 2nd XI Section team in the U17 grades) may also play in a 1st XI Section Semi-Final and/or Grand Final but a player who is fully qualified four (4) days in the 1st XI Section cannot play in a 2nd XI Section Semi-Final and/or Grand Final, unless they have played in that grade during the season and the 1st XI Section grade team of which they are fully qualified is also engaged.
Any ineligible player shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
U17 Semi-Finals are to be played on Saturday morning and Sunday morning of the same weekend with no spare days allowed.
Matches shall be played under the same conditions as apply to minor round two day games, with the exception that Junior Rule 5 shall not apply to Semi-Finals.
U17 Grand Finals are to be played on Saturday morning and Sunday morning of the same weekend. The following Saturday morning and/or Sunday morning will be held as reserve days and will be used if time is lost on either of the originally scheduled days.
However, the rule that there is a minimum of 50 overs/maximum of 180 minutes still applies to the first innings and the total on field playing time should not exceed the expected 6 hours. Hence any play on the second weekend shall continue no longer than the equivalent amount of time lost during the first weekend of play.
Matches shall be played under the same conditions as apply to minor round two day games, with the exception that Junior Rule 5 shall not apply to Grand Finals and that the above reserve days will be used if required.
The Pennant Committee shall determine the suitability of the grounds and playing conditions. The decision of the Pennant Committee shall be broadcast through radio stations 3BA, Voice FM & Power FM Ballarat from 7.00 am as near as the stations can manage. The BCA website and social media platforms will also be utilised to broadcast these messages.
All cricket balls used in any match shall be a make, character and size approved by the BCA Board. Approved Balls listed below. Stumps without metal must be used in all Junior grades.
Approved Cricket Balls for the current season are as follows:
Exclusively Kookaburra Balls, stamped with BCA sponsor or BCA Logo
2 & 1 Day matches - Two (2) piece 156gm RED balls – Kookaburra Colt/Tuf Pitch
Turf matches - Four (4) piece 156gm RED balls – Kookaburra Regulation
T20 matches - Two (2) piece 156gm balls – Colour to be advised by the Pennant Committee at the time of scheduled matches.
Balls may be replaced if they deteriorate during an innings due to the effects of wet weather or other ground conditions upon the approval of the appointed Umpire and with the consent of the accredited Coaches.
8.1 - Each team shall be in the possession of 40 boundary markers, and where a boundary is not defined by a fence, such markers must be placed in the position prior to the commencement of the match each day. The first named team in the draw shall place the markers in position on each day of play. The markers must be placed in position in a circle of 60 metres radius from the centre of the pitch, not more than 10 metres apart and 2 metres in front of any football goal/behind posts that are inside the boundary fence. Markers must be placed at least 1 metre inside any boundary fence.
Refer BCA Policy 16 - Umpires
If only one BCUA Umpire is provided, the square leg Umpire shall be provided by the fielding team.
9.1 - All Junior Umpire match appointments shall be made by the Selection Panel of the Ballarat Cricket Umpires Association from their Association members.
Their match fees as per below shall be fixed by the BCA Board each season and shall be borne and paid (unless otherwise decided by the Pennant Committee or BCA Board) equally by both teams competing in the match.
The BCA Clubs will pay the Umpire by the innings/drinks break on the days play.
$60 per Umpire for 50 over days (no travel fee)
$120 per Umpire for 100 over days (no travel fee)
The Ballarat Cricket Association require all Junior Coaches to have a current Working With Children’s (WWCC) card and Clubs shall have at least two (2) adults or two (2) Senior players for each Junior team.
As a minimum there must be one (1) of the Coaches present at the match at all times and shall have the following requirements:-
WWCC card;
In their first two (2) consecutive seasons as the Coach of a team, obtain a Cricket Victoria Level 0 (Introduction to Cricket) accreditation;
In their third (3) consecutive season and beyond as the Coach of a team, obtain a Cricket Victoria Level 1 (Community Coach) accreditation.
Only current accredited Coaches can complete/sign off the team sheet on behalf of the team Captain.
Senior Rule 19 to be applied to Junior matches and that while acting as Umpires have the same authority as BCUA appointed Umpires.
The BCA Junior Committee may seek BCA Board approval to amalgamate Junior teams for the current season for the purpose of avoiding a bye in such grades, without players from these Clubs being required to obtain clearances to one of the Clubs affected or affecting their ability to play Senior cricket with their registered Club during that season only.
All Clubs named as the ‘Home’ team shall enter into MyCricket all match data for both competing teams ensuring it is correct for statistical and reporting purposes. Match results must be entered by 12pm on Sunday with all player scores to be completed by 6pm Sunday.
Away team must confirm the match result or submit a match dispute by 8pm Sunday evening.
All matches should be recorded using the MyCricket Live Scorer app.
As per Saturday matches, except that all other matches to be lodged by 7.30pm on the Sunday of the match.
13.1 - Where there are no officially appointed Umpires at a match, at the conclusion of the game, Coaches shall endorse and counter sign each scorebook, in so doing, agree to the official scores and the match result. Once signed, no dispute from this match re scores/result would be heard by the Pennant/Appeals Committee’s.
If scores/match result cannot be agreed upon, the scorebooks will be exchanged and both teams Coaches will be responsible to contact the Chairman of the Pennant Committee to arrange to lodge the opposition scorebook without amendments.
Coaches Reports on MyCricket cover appraisal of Umpire performance and ground conditions. All Clubs are to ensure that Coaches in all grades complete and lodge the Coaches Reports on MyCricket by 3pm on the Monday following the completion of each match.
PENALTY: Shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
13.3 - Where a team has its innings declared or the match is abandoned on the second day through weather conditions, the score book and the team sheet shall be endorsed and counter signed by the opposing Coaches that the following players took part in the match.
1.1 - All new players to the Ballarat Cricket Association (BCA) Junior Cricket Section including players who have played in Stage 1 or Stage 2 School/Club mid-week cricket competition shall be required to register online via MyCricket by 1.00 p.m. on the day of the completion of the Junior match.
Season Permits and Permits to play in the highest level U17 competition are available on the BCA website.
1.3 - For male players to be eligible to play in this competition, they shall be born on or after 01/09/2006.
For female players to be eligible to play in this competition, they shall be born on or after 01/09/2004.
Clubs may apply in writing to the Pennant Committee for a season permit to play players out of age where circumstances dictate their continuation in the game. Age Exemption criteria forms are available on the BCA website. If the Pennant Committee feels at any time that these players are performing at a level above the current level, the permit would then be revoked.
Any ineligible player shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
Matches can take place from Friday afternoons through to 5pm Sunday afternoons on turf. Clubs are to seek permission from the Pennant Committee two weeks prior to the scheduled round of matches. Both clubs are to agree with the change of time, date and venue. If the scheduled game is affected by adverse weather conditions to the point of no result, the match will be deemed a draw. Once a match has been scheduled/rescheduled it cannot be rescheduled again, but can have the venue changed prior to the start of play if conditions are not suitable or the venue becomes unavailable.
2.1 - Scheduled times of play, intervals and overs to be bowled are as follows:
2.2 - Any over commenced prior to the scheduled cessation/allowed time must be completed. Stumps must be in place and the toss effected at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the game. If either side fails to comply with this direction, they will forfeit the right to the toss.

Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
3.1 - That so far as applicable and with the below modifications the rules of the Senior competition shall apply to all matches.
3.2 - Each team shall consist of a maximum of Thirteen (13) players. Eleven (11) only to bat or bowl in one innings and eleven (11) only to field at any one time.
3.2.1 - Where a team does not have eleven (11) players but the opposition has a surplus, an exchange of players from the teams may occur for that match only. (These players shall be clearly indicated on the Team Sheets).
Prior to the scheduled start of play on the first day of any match the Two Coaches (Home and Away Teams) must complete the joint Team Sheets located within the BCA supplied scorebook and hand them to the Umpire. The team named must match the team named on MyCricket. The signed (by Coaches) Team Sheets are held by the appointed Umpire/s, if no Umpire is appointed then by the Home team Coach.
3.3.1 - Alterations shall only be made with the consent of the opposing Coach and notification to the appointed Umpire(s) up to one (1) hour from the scheduled start of play on the first day of the match.
Lodgement of Team Sheets:
by the Officiating Umpire
if no Umpire, by the Home team;
in the event of a forfeit – by the team receiving the forfeit – listing the players that would have taken part in the match;
shall lodge each original, scanned copy or photo of the Team Sheets to the BCA Operations Officer via email to operations.ballaratcricket@gmail.com, 0407 244 467 or delivered to BCA HQ mailbox (Eastern Oval) by 3.00pm on the Monday after the completion of the match.
PENALTY: Shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
3.4 - All matches shall be decided on the result on the first innings only. The team scoring the greater number of runs shall be the winner. No further points for outright results will be awarded.
3.5 - The result of all matches shall be recorded from the following:
First Innings Win 6 points
Tie on First Innings 3 points
Drawn or Abandoned Game 3 points
U15 competitions - batters must compulsory retire at reaching 50 runs in a two day game.
(They shall be recorded as RTNO).
4.1.1 - Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
4.2 - No player will be allowed to bat without a helmet including full face protective mask.
All U15 competitions - eight (8) overs per bowler maximum per innings in a two day game.
4.3.1 - Players can bowl during any stage of an innings regardless of whether or not they have been off the field.
(Medium and Fast Bowlers restrictions as below still apply).
Medium and Fast Pace Bowlers (i.e. A bowler for which the wicket-keeper would normally stand back) shall not bowl more than five (5) consecutive overs in any period of bowling during a match.
If more than one over was bowled in a player’s immediate previous bowling period, they shall not resume bowling unless the subsequent overs from the same end equals the overs bowled by them in that period.
NOTE: A new period (bowling spell) is allowed if there is a 30 minute break or it is the start of a new day.
4.3.2 - Five (5) overs to be bowled from the same end prior to changing ends (Normal rotation of bowlers shall apply).
41.7.1 Any delivery, which passes or would have passed, without pitching, above waist height of the striker standing upright at the popping crease, is to be deemed dangerous and unfair, whether or not it is likely to inflict physical injury on the striker. If the bowler bowls such a delivery the Umpire shall immediately call and signal No Ball. When the ball is dead, the Umpire shall caution the bowler, indicating that this is the first warning with a subsequent second and final warning for another instance occurring. The Umpire shall also inform the other Umpire, the Captain/Coach of the fielding side and the batters of what has occurred. This caution shall apply to that bowler throughout the innings.
LAW 41.7.2 - Should there be any further such delivery by the same bowler in that innings, the Umpire shall:
call and signal No ball
when the ball is dead, direct the Captain/Coach of the fielding side to suspend the bowler immediately from bowling
inform the other Umpire for the reason for this action.
The bowler thus suspended shall not be allowed to bowl again in that innings. If applicable, the over shall be completed by another bowler, who shall neither have bowled any part of the previous over, nor be allowed to bowl any part of the next over.
Additionally the Umpire shall report the occurrence to the batters and, as soon as practicable, to the Captain of the batting side.
The Umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending side and to the BCA via the team sheet, who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the Captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team.
If the Umpire at the Bowler's end considers that such a delivery has been bowled "deliberately" at the batter he/she shall follow the process outlined in Law 41.7.2 without warning.
An over bowled shall be restricted to the maximum number balls per over as above when wide balls or no balls are included in the over.
4.4.1 - In all Junior matches on hard wickets, any ball bowled that pitches off the side of the wicket, bounces more than twice before it reaches the batter or runs along the ground, shall be called a “No Ball”.
All players under the age of 18 participating in BCA competitions shall wear an approved helmet including full face protective mask when keeping wicket at all times.
4.6 - Each side will be permitted to bat for fifty (50) overs, as usual, for BCA Junior matches.
4.6.1 - The side batting first will bat for 25 overs or 85 minutes at which time the innings shall cease and the side batting second shall receive only the same number of overs as bowled to the side batting first.
On the second day’s play the side that batted second on the first day will continue on to bat for the final 25 overs or 85 minutes at which time the innings shall cease and the side batting first shall receive only the same number of overs as bowled to the side batting second.
4.6.2 - Neither side will be permitted more than 50 overs to bat in its innings. A second innings can commence or match ended once a result has been achieved on agreement from both team Coaches.
4.6.3 - Although each innings will be split into two sections, at the commencement of the second section of each innings play (and score) will continue exactly where it stopped after the first section of the innings.
4.6.4 - Any dismissed or retired batter from the first section of the innings will not be permitted to bat in the second section of the innings.
4.6.5 - At the completion of the first day’s play, each ball used will be signed by the opposition Coach. Coaches are then responsible for keeping their own team’s ball until the next day’s play unless there is a BCUA appointed Umpire who will be responsible for keeping the balls until the next day’s play. The state of each ball may not be altered by any person once it has been signed until play resumes. At the recommencement of each innings the same ball that was used for the first section of the innings must again be used for the second section of the innings.
4.7 - If the first day of the match is completely washed out then a 25 over innings one day match will be played on the second day. In this case, individual batting and bowling restrictions for one day matches will apply.
4.7.1 - If the second day of the match is completely washed out, the match will be deemed to be a draw unless a first innings result was achieved during the first week of play.
4.8.1 - If time is lost due to rain on the first day yet there is some play there will be 1 over for every 4 minutes lost deducted from the match’s scheduled 100 overs. Hence for every 8 minutes lost the amount of overs permitted for each team in the first section of its innings (normally 25 overs) will be reduced by 1 over.
4.8.2 - Should time be lost towards the end of the first morning and the side batting second on the first morning has not completed the first innings (yet both sides have batted for at least 15 overs) then the first section of that side’s inning will be completed at commencement of play on the second morning.
Then at the completion of that side’s first section of its innings the Umpires will calculate, as per Rule 4.8.1, how many overs each side will be entitled to bat during the second section of their innings.
4.8.3 - In the event of time being lost and the recalculation of the amount of overs to be bowled at each side, each side must still receive the same amount of overs in both the first and second sections of their innings as the other side. Otherwise the match will be deemed drawn.
4.8.4 - If either team fails to get 15 overs when batting on the first day, due to loss of time, then all play and scores will be disregarded on that days first day and a 25 over innings one day match will be played on the second day.
4.8.5 - Where a first innings result has been obtained, the match shall continue until the scheduled finishing time or until the scheduled overs per day have been bowled. However, when a first innings result has been reached and on agreement of both Captains/Accredited Coaches, stumps may be drawn at or any time after 11.00 am (Saturday morning) on the second day of play.
4.8.6 - The Pennant Committee reserves the right to call matches off on any day preceding the game, in line with Senior rules regarding extreme heat conditions.
All U15 competitions - batters must compulsory retire at reaching 30 runs in a one day match.
(They shall be recorded as RTNO).
5.1.1 - Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
5.2 - No player will be allowed to bat without a helmet including full face protective mask.
All U15 competitions - five (5) overs per bowler maximum per innings in a one day game.
5.3.1 - Players can bowl during any stage of an innings regardless of whether or not they have been off the field.
(Medium and Fast Bowlers restrictions as below still apply).
Medium and Fast Pace Bowlers (i.e. A bowler for which the wicket-keeper would normally stand back) shall not bowl more than four (4) consecutive overs in any period of bowling during a match.
If more than one over was bowled in a player’s immediate previous bowling period, they can’t resume bowling unless the subsequent overs from the same end equals or exceeds those bowled by them in that period.
5.3.2 - Five (5) overs to be bowled from the same end prior to changing ends (Normal rotation of bowlers shall apply).
All players under the age of 18 participating in BCA competitions shall wear an approved helmet including full face protective mask when keeping wicket at all times.
5.5.1 - In one day matches the time shall be divided equally and if the side batting first has not previously completed its innings, the innings shall be compulsorily closed on the completion of the bowling of 25 overs, or 85 minutes after the starting time.
5.5.2 - If the innings of the side batting first is compulsorily closed, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat only for the bowling of the same number of overs as has been bowled to the side batting first.
5.5.3 - If the innings of the side batting first has been completed other than by compulsory closure, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat for at least the same number of overs as bowled to the side batting first, or any greater number possible up to the allowed innings time.
5.5.4 - If the game is interrupted for an aggregate of more than thirty (30) minutes by bad weather conditions, during either period of allotted time, the game shall thereupon be played under ordinary conditions until the scheduled finishing time.
6.1 - At the completion of the minor round of matches a final four in the 1st XI and 2nd XI Sections shall be formed and these teams shall take part in a final series of matches.
6.2 - A player of a Club shall not be eligible to play in Semi-Final and/or Grand Final matches unless they have played a minimum of four (4) days in that particular team in that grade with a Club in the current season.
PENALTY: Shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
6.2.1 Clubs may apply online via the BCA website to the Pennant Committee by 1.00 pm on the Friday prior to the final matches, to seek permission to play qualified players from the 13U competition in the 14U finals.
6.3 A player who is fully qualified four (4) days in the 2nd XI Section (with Clubs having a 1st XI and 2nd XI Section team in the U15 grades) may also play in a 1st XI Section Semi-Final and/or Grand Final but a player who is fully qualified four (4) days in the 1st XI Section cannot play in a 2nd XI Section Semi-Final and/or Grand Final, unless they have played in that grade during the season and the 1st XI Section grade team of which they are fully qualified is also engaged.
PENALTY: Shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
U15 Semi-Finals are to be played on Saturday morning and Sunday morning of the same weekend with no spare days allowed.
Matches shall be played under the same conditions as apply to minor round two day games, with the exception that Junior Rule 5 shall not apply to Semi-Finals.
U15 Grand Finals are to be played on Saturday morning and Sunday morning of the same weekend. The following Saturday morning and/or Sunday morning will be held as reserve days and will be used if time is lost on either of the originally scheduled days.
However, the rule that there is a minimum of 50 overs/maximum of 180 minutes still applies to the first innings and the total on field playing time should not exceed the expected 6 hours. Hence any play on the second weekend shall continue no longer than the equivalent amount of time lost during the first weekend of play.
Matches shall be played under the same conditions as apply to minor round two day games, with the exception that Junior Rule 5 shall not apply to Grand Finals and that the above reserve days will be used if required.
The Pennant Committee shall determine the suitability of the grounds and playing conditions. The decision of the Pennant Committee shall be broadcast through radio stations 3BA, Voice FM & Power FM Ballarat from 7.00 am as near as the stations can manage. The BCA website and social media platforms will also be utilised to broadcast these messages.
All cricket balls used in any match shall be a make, character and size approved by the BCA Board. Approved Balls listed below. Stumps without metal must be used in all Junior grades.
Approved Cricket Balls for the current season are as follows:
Exclusively Kookaburra Balls, stamped with BCA sponsor or BCA Logo
2 & 1 Day matches - Two (2) piece 156gm RED balls – Kookaburra Colt/Tuf Pitch
T20 matches - Two (2) piece 156gm balls – Colour to be advised by the Pennant Committee at the time of scheduled matches.
Balls may be replaced if they deteriorate during an innings due to the effects of wet weather or other ground conditions upon the approval of the appointed Umpire and with the consent of the accredited Coaches.
8.1 - Each team shall be in the possession of 40 boundary markers, and where a boundary is not defined by a fence, such markers must be placed in the position prior to the commencement of the match each day. The first named team in the draw shall place the markers in position on each day of play. The markers must be placed in position in a circle of 50 metres radius from the centre of the pitch, not more than 10 metres apart and 2 metres in front of any football goal/behind posts that are inside the boundary fence. Markers must be placed at least 1 metre inside any boundary fence
Refer BCA Policy 16 - Umpires
If only one BCUA Umpire is provided, the square leg Umpire shall be provided by the fielding team.
9.1 - All Junior Umpire match appointments shall be made by the Selection Panel of the Ballarat Cricket Umpires Association from their Association members.
Their match fees as per below shall be fixed by the BCA Board each season and shall be borne and paid (unless otherwise decided by the Pennant Committee or BCA Board) equally by both teams competing in the match. The BCA Clubs will pay the Umpire by the innings/drinks break on the days play.
$60 for all matches (no travel fee)
The Ballarat Cricket Association require all Junior Coaches to have a current Working With Children’s (WWCC) card and Clubs shall have at least two (2) adults or two (2) Senior players for each Junior team.
As a minimum there must be one (1) of the Coaches present at the match at all times and shall have the following requirements:-
WWCC card;
In their first two (2) consecutive seasons as the Coach of a team, obtain a Cricket Victoria Level 0 (Introduction to Cricket) accreditation;
In their third (3) consecutive season and beyond as the Coach of a team, obtain a Cricket Victoria Level 1 (Community Coach) accreditation.
Only current accredited Coaches can act as Coaches and complete/sign off the team sheet on behalf of the team Captain.
Senior Rule 19 to be applied to Junior matches and that while acting as Umpires have the same authority as BCUA appointed Umpires.
The BCA Junior Committee may seek BCA Board approval to amalgamate Junior teams for the current season for the purpose of avoiding a bye in such grades, without players from these Clubs being required to obtain clearances to one of the Clubs affected or affecting their ability to play Senior cricket with their registered Club during that season only.
Both competing teams in each match shall be responsible for entering their own match data into MyCricket ensuring it is correct for statistical and reporting purposes. Recording scores via MyCricket Live Score App is recommended using IOS or android devices. All other matches to be entered by 12pm on the day after the match concludes.
As per Saturday matches, except that all other matches to be lodged by 7.30pm on the Sunday of the match.
13.1 - Where there are no officially appointed Umpires at a match, at the conclusion of the game, Coaches shall endorse and counter sign each scorebook, in so doing, agree to the official scores and the match result. Once signed, no dispute from this match re scores/result would be heard by the Pennant/Appeals Committee’s.
If scores/match result cannot be agreed upon, the scorebooks will be exchanged and both teams Coaches will be responsible to contact the Chairman of the Pennant Committee to arrange to lodge the opposition scorebook without amendments.
Coaches Reports on MyCricket cover appraisal of Umpire performance and ground conditions. All Clubs are to ensure that Coaches in all grades complete and lodge the Coaches Reports on MyCricket by 3pm on the Monday following the completion of each match.
PENALTY: Shall be dealt with under Senior Rule 5
13.3 - Where a team has its innings declared or the match is abandoned on the second day through weather conditions, the score book and the team sheet shall be endorsed and counter signed by the opposing Coaches that the following players took part in the match.
Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
1.1 All new players to the Ballarat Cricket Association (BCA) Junior Cricket section shall be required to register online via PlayCricket no later than 5 hours after the scheduled start time of the Junior match.
1.2 Season Permits and Match Permits to play in U17 competition are available on the BCA website.
1.3 For female players to be eligible to play in this competition, they shall be born on or after 01/09/2004.
No male player shall be permitted to participate in this competition.
1.4 Clubs may apply online to the Pennant Committee for a season permit to play players out of age where circumstances dictate their continuation in the game. Age Exemption criteria forms are available on the BCA website. If the Pennant Committee feels at any time that these players are performing at a level above the current level, the permit would then be revoked.
Matches are to take place on Tuesday afternoons from 5pm on either hard wickets or turf. Both clubs are to agree with any change of time, date and venue and must notify the BCA as soon as practicable. If the scheduled game is affected by adverse weather conditions to the point of no result, the match will be deemed a draw. Once a match has been scheduled/rescheduled it cannot be rescheduled again, but can have the venue changed prior to the start of play if conditions are not suitable or the venue becomes unavailable.
2.1 Scheduled times of play, intervals and overs to be bowled are as follows:
2.2 Any over commenced prior to the scheduled cessation/allowed time must be completed. Stumps must be in place and the toss effected at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the game. If either side fails to comply with this direction, they will forfeit the right to the toss.
2.3 A drinks break may be taken after 20 overs in a 40 over match but limited to 5 minutes in duration.

3.1 The U17 female competition is to be a 9 per side competition.
3.2 Each team shall consist of a maximum of eleven (11) players. Up to eleven (11) players may bat and bowl in one innings, but nine (9) only to field at any one time. The innings will be ended at the fall of the eighth wicket.
3.3 Where a team does not have nine (9) players but the opposition has a surplus, an exchange of players from the teams may occur for that match only.
3.4 All matches shall be decided on the result of the first innings only. The team scoring the greater number of runs shall be the winner. No further points for outright results will be awarded.
3.5 The result of all matches shall be recorded from the following:
First Innings Win 6 points
Tie on First Innings 3 points
Drawn or abandoned match 3 points
U17 competitions - batters must compulsory retire at reaching 50 runs in a two day game.
(They shall be recorded as RTNO).
4.1.1 - Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
4.2 - No player will be allowed to bat without a helmet including full face protective mask.
Eight (8) overs per bowler maximum per innings in a two day game.
6 balls per over (maximum of 8 balls per over except the last over where 6 legal deliveries must be bowled
4.3.1 - Players can bowl during any stage of an innings regardless of whether or not they have been off the field.
41.7.1 - Any delivery, which passes or would have passed, without pitching, above waist height of the striker standing upright at the popping crease, is to be deemed dangerous and unfair, whether or not it is likely to inflict physical injury on the striker. If the bowler bowls such a delivery the Umpire shall immediately call and signal No Ball. When the ball is dead, the Umpire shall caution the bowler, indicating that this is the first warning with a subsequent second and final warning for another instance occurring. The Umpire shall also inform the other Umpire, the Captain/Coach of the fielding side and the batters of what has occurred. This caution shall apply to that bowler throughout the innings.
LAW 41.7.2 Should there be any further such delivery by the same bowler in that innings, the Umpire shall:
call and signal No ball
when the ball is dead, direct the Captain/Coach of the fielding side to suspend the bowler immediately from bowling
inform the other Umpire for the reason for this action.
The bowler thus suspended shall not be allowed to bowl again in that innings. If applicable, the over shall be completed by another bowler, who shall neither have bowled any part of the previous over, nor be allowed to bowl any part of the next over.
Additionally, the Umpire shall report the occurrence to the batters and, as soon as practicable, to the Captain of the batting side.
The Umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending side and to the BCA via the team sheet, who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the Captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team.
If the Umpire at the Bowler's end considers that such a delivery has been bowled "deliberately" at the batter he/she shall follow the process outlined in Law 41.7.2 without warning.
In all matches if the innings of the side batting first has not been previously completed, the innings shall be compulsorily closed at the completion of the allowed innings time regardless of overs bowled.
4.4.1 - If the innings of the side batting first is compulsorily closed, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat only for the bowling of the same number of overs as has been bowled to the side batting first.
4.4.2 - If the innings of the side batting first has been completed other than by compulsory closure, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat for at least the same number of overs as bowled to the side batting first, or any greater number possible up to the allowed innings time.
4.4.3 - Neither side will be permitted more than 50 overs to bat in its innings. A second innings can commence or match ended once a result has been achieved on agreement from both team Coaches.
*If a first innings result has been achieved and both teams have batted their full allocation of overs, where time permits an 'off the books' impromptu shortened over match can be undertaken. Play must continue to a minimum of 11am on day 2 with coaches responsible for facilitating participation.
Where interruptions to play during the innings of the side batting first occur which do not exceed thirty (30) minutes in total the number of overs to be bowled shall be adjusted and compulsory closure shall occur at the completion of those overs or at the scheduled finishing time, whichever is the latter. The adjusted overs shall be calculated using the following table.
Scheduled finish times relevant to the scheduled day and times for each match.
4.5.1 - Where the total amount of time lost for the side batting first exceeds thirty (30) minutes but does not exceed one hundred and twenty (120) minutes, the number of overs to be bowled and the schedule finishing time of the innings shall be adjusted. Compulsory closure shall occur at the completion of the adjusted overs. The adjusted number of overs and the adjusted finishing time shall be calculated using the table below.
NOTE: That in such circumstance the innings of the side batting first will conclude on the second day of the match. Umpires shall be responsible for ensuring that the adjusted number of overs are completed before the rescheduled finishing time.
4.5.2 - For other situations involving weather interruptions, refer Senior Rule 5
4.5.3 - The Pennant Committee reserves the right to call matches off on any day preceding the game, in line with Senior rules regarding extreme heat conditions.
4.6 - Should play on the first day of any match be entirely prevented by bad weather conditions, the game shall resolve into a one day match under conditions as set out in Rule 5.
4.7 - Where both sides have commenced their first innings, the match shall continue until the scheduled finishing time or until the scheduled overs per day have been bowled. (To apply to both 2 day and 1 day matches).
All players under the age of 18 participating in BCA competitions shall wear an approved helmet including full face protective mask when keeping wicket at all times.
All U17 competitions - batters must compulsory retire at reaching 30 runs in a one day match.
(They shall be recorded as RTNO).
5.1.1 - Retiring batters (who have been retired prior to reaching the compulsory retiring limit) may return to the crease to bat only at the fall of the final wicket in that innings. They are to return in the order they retired. Retired batters who had reached the maximum score are able to return to the crease to bat once all non-compulsory retired batters have returned to the crease. They are to return in the order they retired.
5.2 - No player will be allowed to bat without a helmet including full face protective mask.
All U17 competitions - four (4) overs per bowler maximum per innings in a T20 game.
6 balls per over (maximum of 8 balls per over except the last over where 6 legal deliveries must be bowled).
5.3.1 - Players can bowl during any stage of an innings regardless of whether or not they have been off the field.
41.7.1 Any delivery, which passes or would have passed, without pitching, above waist height of the striker standing upright at the popping crease, is to be deemed dangerous and unfair, whether or not it is likely to inflict physical injury on the striker. If the bowler bowls such a delivery the Umpire shall immediately call and signal No Ball.
All players under the age of 18 participating in BCA competitions shall wear an approved helmet including full face protective mask when keeping wicket at all times.
5.5.1 - In T20 matches the time shall be divided equally and if the side batting first has not previously completed its innings, the innings shall be compulsorily closed on the completion of the bowling of 20 overs, or 65 minutes after the starting time.
5.5.2 - If the innings of the side batting first is compulsorily closed, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat only for the bowling of the same number of overs as has been bowled to the side batting first.
5.5.3 - If the innings of the side batting first has been completed other than by compulsory closure, then the side batting second, if not previously dismissed, shall be entitled to bat for at least the same number of overs as bowled to the side batting first, or any greater number possible up to the allowed innings time.
5.5.4 - If the game is interrupted for an aggregate of more than thirty (30) minutes by bad weather conditions, during either period of allotted time, the game shall thereupon be played under ordinary conditions until the scheduled finishing time.
6.1 At the completion of the minor round of matches a final four shall be formed and these teams shall take part in a final series of matches.
6.2 A player of a Club shall not be eligible to play in Semi-Final and/or Grand Final matches unless they have played a minimum of four (4) days in that particular team in that grade with a Club in the current season.
6.3 A player who is fully qualified four (4) days in the U14 Female Competition may also play in the U17 Female Competition Semi-Final and/or Grand Final.
U17 Semi-Finals are to be played on Tuesday afternoon with no spare days allowed.
Matches shall be played under the same conditions as apply to minor round T20 games.
U17 Grand Finals are to be played on Tuesday afternoon. The following Tuesday afternoon will be held as a reserve day and will be used if time is lost on either of the originally scheduled days.
Matches shall be played under the same conditions as apply to minor round T20 games.
The Pennant Committee shall determine the suitability of the grounds and playing conditions. The decision of the Pennant Committee shall be broadcast through radio stations 3BA, Voice FM & Power FM Ballarat from 7.00 am as near as the stations can manage. The BCA website and social media platforms will also be utilised to broadcast these messages.
All cricket balls used in any match shall be 2 piece 142g Orange Kookaburra Crown.
The first named team in the draw shall be responsible for providing both sets of stumps.
Each team shall be in the possession of 40 boundary markers, and where a boundary is not defined by a fence, such markers must be placed in the position prior to the commencement of the match each day. The first named team in the draw shall place the markers in position on each day of play. The markers must be placed in position in a circle of 50 metres radius from the centre of the pitch, not more than 10 metres apart and 2 metres in front of any football goal/behind posts that are inside the boundary fence. Markers must be placed at least 3 metres inside any boundary fence.
The Ballarat Cricket Association require all Junior Coaches to have a current Working With Children’s (WWCC) card and Clubs shall have at least two (2) adults or two (2) Senior players for each Junior team.
As a minimum there must be one (1) of the Coaches present at the match at all times and shall have the following requirements:-
WWCC card;
In their first two (2) consecutive seasons as the Coach of a team, obtain a Cricket Victoria Level 0 (Introduction to Cricket) accreditation;
In their third (3) consecutive season and beyond as the Coach of a team, obtain a Cricket Victoria Level 1 (Community Coach) accreditation.
Only current accredited Coaches can act as Coaches and complete/sign off the team sheet on behalf of the team Captain.
Senior Rule 19 to be applied to Junior matches and that while acting as Umpires have the same authority as BCUA appointed Umpires.